Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Strange Fact

      It has occurred to me that today marks a very odd anniversary, one upon which I won't much elaborate, save to say that I've now been "this" Doctor J for moreorless six years now; or, rather, that this Doctor J came into creation six years ago today. This Doctor J is the darker, more cynical (among other things) version of a former self now almost completely banished except for odd circumstances when that unwanted self dares to think he can crawl back within this now otherwise-occupied territory. Foolish thing. He doesn't understand that the same reasons I'd like to let him back in are the same reasons I can't. Go figure. The blasted world of paradoxes.


cbeck said...

Dark, cynical, what's wrong with that?

Dr J said...

Nothing necessarily-- except that it becomes more and more impossible to believe in things, or people, or those things that seem to make others happy at least for a while, like those strange abstractions called "love" and "trust" and the like.