Monday, December 20, 2004

The Visitor Warming Up

Our little visitor-- no longer so timid, at least not with me, and very cuddly indeed. And make no mistake: it looks sunny in the pictures, but it's colder than a witch's teat today. She's absolutely adorable.

(And, yes-- my ears look like Dumbo's in these pictures. D'Oh....)

      UPDATE: I've let the poor, freezing little thing inside the house for a while to warm up, with Trouble grumblingly but not-too-crankily complaining in my bedroom. She's suuuuch a girly-girl cat, refusing to go more than a few steps from my side, and constantly rubbing her butt against my chin. (She is, unlike most human girly-girls, very grateful.) She's sitting on my lap as I write this-- or, more accurately, she's sitting for a few seconds, then standing up and brushing about, and then sitting again, and so on, all the while looking up at me with those beautiful translucent eyes. So sweet.

      I've now put our-- well, my-- visitor in the bathroom for a minute to let Trouble out and sniff things as he must. It's always easiest to let animals adjust to the smells of other animals before introducing them. He's hunting for her, but he hasn't found her yet, Trouble, like most male animals over half-way through their lives, long-since fixed. There's a strange serenity to this, multitasking et al. One feels rather Prosperan, in the slightest, and probably silliest, ways.

      Whatever else, animals-- and kids-- seem to take very well to me, far better than most, and usually far more quickly than they do to others. Now if only I could translate that into attracting adult females of the human species, I'd be a very happy camper, indeed.  

      CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER: Every time I leave a room, my femme feline storms into my bedroom and hides. She comes out as soon as she knows I'm back from doing whatever I've been doing. Still so timid, even as she's purring up a storm.


Dr J said...

About what I've been saying all day. Except perhaps that I bloody look like Cousin Itt with a strangle prominent orifice. Oy vey....

BTW, I let her stay in the house until about 2.30 (2+ hours). Perfectly behaved (as was Trouble, by the way), and more given in disposition to the lost little puppy than the hungry alley cat.

Aw Hell, I've always been a sucker for cute little furry things....

Dr J said...

Er, "strangle" should have been "strangely."

Monday, Monday....

Vixen said...

Your new kitty is such a cutie. She reminds me of my kitty, rather affectionate, but in her case, pure black and a little hyper at times.

Dr J said...

Sounds cute, Viv. Wonder how affectionate mine would eve be with other people. Inclined to think so far she'd hide behind her benefactor, like a timid child cowering behind its mother's legs.

And, btw, can this little gal eat-- she eats 3-4 times what my 20lb male cat eats. Admittedly, she's outside, but 3-4 times?!?! Whoa.