Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum

      Recently I was asked about the wisdom of getting involved again with an ex. Once I had expunged all of the smoke that'd gone directly into my windpipe, I hung my head and massaged my eyes as if they were the knots in Sisyphus' back. A brief deliberation later, I let Tom Eliot answer, invoking his old lines about how "We cannot restore old policies / Or follow an antique drum." No, eh? was the slightly disappointed response. "No," I said, pausing. "But if you must," I added, accepting yet another demerit point from our metaphysical hall monitor, "bang it like you're Buddy Rich."

      You can imagine my disappointment when my friend had never heard of Buddy Rich. **sigh** It almost makes one want to shrink from blasphemy.

1 comment:

Vixen said...

As for starting up relationships with ex-significant-others, I do heartily agree that it is a dangerous venture. However, you are right about the Buddy Rich reference, if you plans to venture into a relationship with a past flame, give it all you've got, because this time there's nothing to lose!